Monday, July 30, 2007

#6.a Pages 125 - 142

This section was mostly about Henry David Thoreau. I think I read On Walden Pond in college, and I forget if that is Thoreau or Emerson. Somehow I've interchanged them. Anyway, I took incredible notes during college so I got an A on a test about that subject, but I never read the book. hahahahahahaha.

I want to read Thoreau, now. I want to read what Gandhi wrote, and what Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote. I've focused a lot on women who stood for their rights, and I still want to do that; read more Margaret Sanger, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Wilma Mankiller etc. There are so many inspirational people. So many ways I could see myself inside of them, and realize that I have a right to civil disobedience, too.

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