Saturday, August 4, 2007

Book Review - A Power governments cannot suppress by Howard Zinn

Date: August 4, 2007
Author: Howard Zinn
Title: A Power governments cannot suppress
Rating: 6/10

How I got a hold of this book: I bought it from Kramerbooks. About time I finished a Zinn book.
Where I read this book: Metro, home, cafes.
This book made me feel: Stupid at first, and then open to information. Pour the tea out so that fresh tea can fill the cup.

Why I like it: I'm inspired to learn more, maybe do something with it. I believe Zinn in his conclusions. The progression was very good. Towards the end the reader is hopeful, and more willing to do something. Reading the first 2/3, the information was overwhelming, and I was just angry. Most of it wasn't new, but I didn't have anyone to talk with about it.
Why I don't like it: Many pieces of history, although with a common theme. I would like to read a book focused on one time period. This book inspires me to find those types of books.

The plot in five words: patriot/nationalism/government/history/revolt
This book made me think of who: Family. I would like to talk with them about views, but I have to honor their processes in obtaining opinions if I expect them to honor mine. This is not easy.
Memorable character: Sacco and Vanzetti
Memorable quote:
Rebellion often starts as something cultural.

If national boundaries should not be obstacles to trade - some call it "globalization" - should they also not be obstacles to compassion and generosity?

Education can, and should, be dangerous to the existing social structure.

Person I met while reading this book: Same waitstaff at Kramerbooks I met before.
Something memorable that happened in my life during the time it took to read the book: I didn't get tickets to the PJ VIC Theater show, and they didn't play Given to Fly at that show.

If I could recommend this book to one person, it would be to: History buff.
How this book changed my life: I'm inspired to research. I'm near the Library of Congress so this is definitely the time to be inspired.
Will I read it again: Not likely
Notes: I was so angry at points I had to read other books to calm down. I was angry that I didn't know the particulars of the history lessons before, and that I had no one to share it with. That was probably the most debilitating part. Again, the progression of the topices was well done. It ended hopeful.

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