Monday, July 2, 2007

#1.a Pages 40-82

I'm so furious that companies are able to get away with genetically modified foods. What is the reasoning behind the existence of these mutants except an irrational approach to *food* production. Food being in quotes here. What scum that peddle their genetically modified *food* wares, and act so innocent. You rotten thieves. Thieves of the healthy food, thieves of decency, thieves of innocence. Of course they are going to go after starving countries, and wring them dry in so many ways.

I heard on an NPR PodCast a writer discuss her book on food, and that it's ok to not buy organic. Basically because of the price. I couldn't believe NPR let her on the air. I was flabbergasted, as she wasn't promoting a healthy choice, just economics. Sure we all need more money. I've paid much more for organic produce consistently for over 10 years, and I don't regret it. I bought non-organic bananas today because the organic bananas were green, and they don't ripen well in my apartment. Well, I guess it's an indication that now is not banana season. I feel stupid that I bought bananas, or didn't buy organic. I have to say that organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are a sensual painter's dream right now. Hail hail to seasonal summer fruit! I need to cook more.

Question of the day - Do peddlers of genetically modified foods actually eat genetically modified foods?

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