Monday, July 23, 2007

#5a Pages up to 60

I definitely know what the main character is going through. AB writes it so succinctly . . . I was only too glad to be relieved of the burden of my solitude - which was what my writing represented - to perserve with it. I'm looking foward to seeing what happens at the end because it probably mirrors what has happened to me in similar situations. Although the voice is consistent between Anita Brookner's books, I'm starting to feel the energy. It may be a reflection of the main character feeling more energy in her life, and AB just writes the life as if it is real. It is uncanny how much I know about this. I know I'm not the only one, but to feel validated as a loner trying the group out, it's amazing.

Question of the day: Why must we try so hard for what gives us such temporary joy?

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